Well, it’s been a while since we’ve posted to Turlington Times, but we have exciting news to share – we’re having a baby!

Man, that feels good to write and it’s been even more fun telling our family and friends. It’s been a long time coming, and we’re extremely thankful for the gift of life that has been bestowed upon us. God is great!
Because we have so many family and friends who live out of state, we thought the best way to share the news and subsequent updates would be through our blog. Sorry it’s impersonal, but in the 21st Century it’s not a bad way to mass communicate.
Obviously, we’re extremely excited and can’t wait for the big day - October 16 is the due date. We’re trying not to be overwhelmed by the abundance of changes that will be taking place personally, physically and professionally. Courtney, as you can imagine, already has nursery themes picked out and a list of summer projects for Donnie – which he can’t wait to start (insert sarcasm here).
First and foremost, Courtney is doing great. She is starting her 11th week this week. We’re praying for a perfect pregnancy, delivery and a healthy and strong baby – and momma (please join us in this prayer). Thus far, things are going according to plan, with the usual onslaught of morning sickness and odd food cravings.
The morning sickness has not been fun, but folks tell us that it’s completely normal and, in fact, is a very good thing. Not that he expects anybody to feel sorry for him, but for those of you who know Donnie well, you understand that Courtney is not the only one affected by the queasiness. Nobody takes pleasure from the sights/sounds/motions of someone getting sick, but Donnie has a real problem being around it when it happens. So far, so good, for both of us – but please do keep Donnie in your prayers as well!
Where do things go from here? Well, we have our next ultrasound the week of April 4 and we’ll have a third ultrasound some time the end of May. We plan on finding out what the baby is going to be, so start placing your bets now. To help you figure the odds, Donnie has four nephews on his side of the family. Courtney has one niece and one nephew on her side of the family. And, in case it makes a difference in your figuring – and Donnie’s the only one who thinks it does – our two dogs and cat are all female.
We’ll give you one guess which one Donnie thinks it’s going to be!
Stay tuned!
As you already know, Janice and I are so happy for you guys, and we can't wait to have another little one in the neighborhood! I'm (Nick) guessing it's a GIRL. (Based upon zero scientific knowledge.) We look forward to sharing in the joy with you next door, and please let us know if we can do anything at all, as always! Congrats again :)
Hi guys, I just wanted to tell you how excited we are for you guys! It is truly such a blessing and will be the most amazing and challenging and wonderful thing you will ever do. Can't wait to find out what you're having!!! See you soon? And congratulations!!!!
Great news indeed DT. Was thinking about you two the other day...guess you were busy writing this blog. Your ears were probably ringing. Congratulations!
Thanks so much everyone! We're so excited and looking forward to the adventures ahead!!
Sooooo thrilled for you guys:)What a blessed adventure this is! Our prayers will be with you both!
How exciting!! What an amazingly sweet surprise to click on your blog and see an Ultrasound Picture!! We'll be praying for all 3 of you!
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