Last week was a rough week around here. Sadly, my grandmother (Courtney's mom's mom) passed away unexpectedly on Palm Sunday. My "Grandma Margurite" ,as we called her, was a wonderful woman who we we all miss dearly. She was a strong Christian lady who loved to share Jesus with family and friends every chance she got. She was a crocheting queen and always took the time to make something special for everyone. I have many items made by her hands that I will always cherish. I had the opportunity to put together a photo slideshow for her funeral last week. Looking through old scrapbooks was sad, but comforting at the same time. I've always enjoyed peering into the past of my grandparent's and other family members. I've posted a few of my favorite pictures of my Grandma her memory..

I'm not sure of the exact year...but it's a very young picture of my grandmother that I've always loved.

My Papaw & Grandma dancing at their surprise 50th Anniversary party 2 years ago.