This is really crazy...we had snow on March 2, 2009 and we just had snow again on March 2, 2010! It didn't stick around long, but it was beautiful to watch. Here are a few pictures I snapped while at work Tuesday and then later when I got home...

Trees in our backyard just barely covered by snow on the tops. The wind was blowing so bad that a lot of the snow wasn't sticking to much.

Outside the studio window. You can barely see the tiny snowflakes being backlit by the spotlight.

My car getting covered up pretty good.

This one is random, but as I was outside my studio door I was looking up at the archway over the door, trying to catch some snowflakes falling, but dusk was already settling in so there wasn't enough light to catch the tiny flakes. But, I saw this cool modern art shot opportunity instead!

A dried hydrangea bloom from last year, covered in snow.

Snowy stones & leaves outside our front door.

Heidi wanting to go play in the snow. She loves to watch it from the windows. She has had a lot of opportunities this year!